Friday, June 27, 2008

Feliz Cumpleanos

Hello everyone!
My birthday began on Wednesday when the group sang and gave cake to the three of us who had birthdays this week. We proceeded to take a picture and I tipped the cake a tad too far, landing it upside down on the floor. Needless to say that cake didn't get eaten. I also just want to say a few quick words about today. It was an amazing birthday thanks to so many awesome people. I worked 8:30 to 3 and it was a nice time there. Afterwards I hung out with my bible study leader and some other girls at the pool for an hour or two. My parents arrived later on and we went to dinner at Wild Wings and visited the place where I work. After going back to the apartment, we had cake and I got a gift: an ipod, which I have desired for a while, ever since mine was lost last year. =)
Then things got exciting. My roomates showed up and Meredyth asked me if I trusted her. They put a pillowcase over my head and lead me down to a grassy area where about 15 interns were gathered and I was presented with a pinata to crack. It was a complete surprise and made me feel so special.
Showing pictures and relaxing with the family followed and the day is closed by watching a movie with friends. Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes via facebook, phone, and fun surprises! It was an amazing 19th birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those were some amazing memories. I will never forget about you dropping that cake :)
or about the princess pinyata(sp?).
But anyways, its been awesome hangin out with you this summer my Charleston Twin.